Friday, February 15, 2013


The world today loves a “freelancer.”  We often will branch out on our own and forge a new trail, creating something that was never there, and making something new that was once old.  We freelance to the point that it can become a bit destructive, particularly when it comes to how we live our lives.  We do this in order to claim our individuality in a world full of groups.   It’s when we let our “freelancing” overrun the rules, and we are trying to make new rules so that our attitudes and behaviors now fit and become the new norm, that we find we are moving away from God
Frances Chan, the author of a great book titled “Crazy Love,” addresses this.  “Let’s face it.  We’re willing to make changes in our lives only if we think it affects our salvation.  This is why I have so many people ask me questions like, can I divorce my wife and still go to heaven?  Do I have to be baptized to be saved?  Am I a Christian even though I’m having sex with my girlfriend?  If I commit suicide, can I still go to heaven?  If I’m ashamed to talk about Christ, is He really going to deny knowing me?”  This speaks volumes about the way the world is approaching the Bible these days.  These questions are evidence of a world pulling away from Christ and Christianity, and pushing towards a more pleasurable and more comfortable approach to living.  Chan goes further to say that it demonstrates a bigger concern for getting into heaven, than loving our Lord and Savior.  The Apostle John puts it this way; “If you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15(NKJV)

When we read God’s Word, there is no room for freelance interpretation.  The Bible is meant to be read by each individual so that God can speak to each individual through His Word.  For example, in the Bible, 1 John 2:3-4(NKJV) says this; “Now by this we know that know Him, if we keep His commandments.  He who says ‘I know Him’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”  Am I missing something?  I think the Bible says that if we do not follow God’s instructions, yet claim to be a Christian, we are liars.  If I’m wrong in my “freelancing” please help me out with this one. 

God’s Holy Word will always have relevance in our world.  It is not some fiction novel or history book.  It is meant to be applied to our lives day in and day out.  This is where we can go to have the Holy Spirit move in us.  This is where we can visit with God and hear Him speak.  This is where we can get the best advice on how to live a life loving Jesus, not just simply making the claim that we do. 

God did not send the Prophets His Word only to have it changed and manipulated so that we are more comfortable with it.  God has never said that we could make changes where we felt uncomfortable or out of place.  God did not water down His Word so that it would be easier to swallow.  We need to stop “freelancing” with the Bible and start living by it.  We need to start loving our Lord and Savior and stop pretending to be a good Christian.  We need to start keeping His commandments and stop working our way around them. 

“in the world, not of the world”

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