Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Crawling out of the Cave

Crawling out of the Cave

Do you ever stop to think about just why God placed you here on this earth?  I have tried several times, making changes and doing new things, trying to get closer to what God wants from me, and possibly what He wants from us all.  There is one thing that I think we can all agree on.  We were all made to Worship Him.  We all have this innate desire to pay homage, to worship our God, thanking Him continuously for all that He does for us during our meager attempts to please Him.  One of my favorite Christian authors had this to say on the subject of giving God our praise. 

“Man alone sulks in his cave. Man alone, with all of his brilliant intelligence, with all of his amazing, indescribable and wonderful equipment, still sulks in his cave. He is either silent, or if he opens his mouth at all, it is to boast and threaten and curse; or it's nervous ill-considered laughter, or it's humor become big business, or it's songs without joy.”  A.W. Tozer, Worship: The Missing Jewel.

Even after all of the wonderful things our God has blessed us with, we want to simply withdraw from Him.  We want to take all of the credit for our achievements, our inventions, our knowledge and wisdom, giving no credit to the One who is responsible for our next breath.  I think it’s time we get back to the basics of living and breathing, and thanking our God for those simple truths.  “The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. They have all turned aside, They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not one.” Psalm 14:2-3(NKJV)  It may be time to change our ways, to stop being so “corrupt” and pay attention to the One who deserves it. We need to come out of our cave.

When we offer up our lives to our God, giving Him all of the praise and glory for giving us our  next breath, we are getting back to the basics.  I can give many a testimony to the fact that we are not in charge.  I can vouch for a God that is in control of every aspect of my life, granting me the ability to live and breathe when I was not able to do this on my own. 

God, our loving and caring Holy Father, grants us the ability to make our own decisions, based on the gift of free will.  Yet we choose to “sulk in a cave,” focused on our own miserable existence, as opposed to keeping our eyes on Him.  We will often go the route of the cave man, being silent, or worse yet, bragging about our accomplishments and our abilities without giving God any credit at all. 

This is not the life God wants for us, after all, He has provided us with a world outside of the cave. 

“in the world, not of the world”

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