Saturday, June 29, 2013

Running in the opposite direction

Running in the opposite direction

Do you ever feel like you are going against the flow of things, trying to swim upstream against a raging current?  Life can throw some nasty detours at us on a regular basis.  We often will give in and simply go with the flow, following all the others down the wide interstates and moving through the huge gates flung open so that many can fit through.  We do this so that we can be included or a part of a society that encourages us to follow their directions, or take their map for reference.  We do this because we want to be like everyone else.  God gives us the option of taking a detour, a different route that leads to eternal life.  Jesus offers this advice in the Book of Matthew.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14(NKJV)

I realize that it’s hard to go against the flow of things.  It can be very difficult because we are standing out in a crowd, running in the opposite direction in order to find our detour.  God encourages us to stay on His route, following His directions and mapping our way to our promise of eternal life.  The world wants us to simply give in, becoming mindless drones that are easily persuaded to take the wide road and the broad gate.  Life is much easier when we do this because the world is busy removing all of the obstacles, or so they would like us to think. 

God never promised an easy road.  In fact, several times throughout the bible God reminds us that His way may be more difficult and challenging.  But His destination is far better than anything the world can promise.  Our time here on earth may be seem like on big detour, but it’s what has to happen if we are going to move on to the next life.  The narrow gate and the one lane road may be much more difficult as far as navigation is concerned, but the destination can be reached if we remain faithful, and follow God’s directions. 

I think I will just keep runnin2Him.

“in the world, not of the world”

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