Sunday, March 10, 2013

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth


Earlier I posted about how we can’t be too selective about how we share the gospel.  It is truth, and no one can be selective about the truth, God’s truth.  We often will talk to someone, or speak to a group, trying to speak only those things they will agree with, or find pleasing.  When we attempt to share the gospel with someone, we often will speak in a manner that waters it down, or makes it more appealing to the person we are talking to.  God tells us that we should be aware that it is He who we want to impress, and not our audience. “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4(NKJV)


When we get the opportunity to share the gospel with someone, or a group of people, we should not have to adjust our approach based on our audience.  It is Truth that we are speaking of, and the last time I looked, there was no wiggle room left when sharing the gospel.  The story needs to be told consistently and effectively.  We do not need to water it down, or leave out a few details in order to please our audience.  We need to share the gospel, and the last time I looked, it had not changed or been updated.  It is the same truth that has been told century after century.  The last time I checked, Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, then rose again.  He paid the price for our salvation, and all we have to do is accept it.  The last time I looked, our sins had been forgiven.  My last visit to the Bible gave me hope in a God who loves me.  It never changes, nor will it ever change.  I could go on but I will keep it brief.   


The only trick to telling the story is believing that it’s true.  We must be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is just who He claims to be, and that He sits at the right hand of God, and that belief insures our seeing Him on the throne.  We must share this confidence with our audience that we know, and that they can have this same knowledge.  The trick is being confident in your own words.  I will use a statement made every day in the courtrooms across the nation.  This statement is bold, confident and beyond reproach.  We must be all about “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God!”


Now place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me.


“in the world, not of the world”

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